
Treatment Methodologies

Synergy Behavior Consultants uses a variety of research based methods during treatment sessions. The specific methods used for each child is individualized based on the child’s specific areas of need. These methodologies include:

Differential Reinforcement

Differential Reinforcement refers to a variety of techniques in which various levels of reinforcement are provided based on the child’s behavior and responses to interventions. Differential reinforcement includes reinforcing appropriate alternative behaviors, incompatible behaviors, and/or the absence of specific target behaviors. Differential reinforcement also includes providing higher levels of reinforcement for novel and/or highly desired behaviors and lower levels of reinforcement for known or less desired behaviors.

Discrete Trial Teaching (DTT)

DTT is a methodology in which complex behaviors and concepts are broken down into smaller, more teachable parts and taught using a systematic approach. In DTT, the instructor presents an instruction (the Sd), the child emits an response, and the instructor provides a consequence based on the child’s response. If the child responded correctly to the instruction, the teacher provides a reinforcing consequence such as praise or access to a preferred activity. If the child responded incorrectly to the instruction, the teacher provides corrective feedback.


Extinction involves no longer reinforcing a behavior that has been previously reinforced. Extinction is typically used to reduce maladaptive and/or undesired behaviors. This is done by analyzing the behavior and environment to determine the function of the behavior. Extinction is most effective when paired with the reinforcement of appropriate, functionally equivalent behaviors.

Visual Supports

Visual supports include a variety of prompts and cues presented visually. Visual supports are typically used to assist the child in organizing the environment around them and to assist in knowing what the expectations are for a given task and/or what the child should expect in the future (either immediately or over an extended period of time. Visual Supports can include a variety of supports and cues including visual schedules, picture icons, and structure work systems.

Social Skills Training

Social Skills Training includes programming to address deficits in social interaction to teach children to interact appropriately with their peers. This includes modeling and prompting appropriate communication and play skills, and providing feedback on the child’s responses.

Task Analysis

Task Analysis consist of breaking a complex behavior into steps, or chains of behaviors. The child is then taught each step in the chain of behaviors using either forward chaining or backward chaining until the child is able to independently complete the complex behavior chain.

Response Interruption/Redirection

Response Interruption/Redirection is typically used to divert the child’s attention away from the stimulus that is believed to be causing the behavior. Response Interruption/Redirection is an effective intervention for stereotypical/repetitive behaviors and other behaviors that are not maintained by attention or escape.

Pivotal Response Training (PRT)

PRT utilizes the child’s interests and initiations to focus on four core (or pivotal) skills-motivation, responding to multiple cues, self-initiation, and self-management. These core skills are used to teach a variety of other skills such as communication, language, social skills, and play skills.


Prompting includes any assistance given to the child to help him or her emit a behavior. Prompting includes gesture, visual, model, verbal, and /or physical prompts that are used to teach a variety of skills.


Modeling is a means for teaching a child to engage in desired behaviors by demonstrating the desired behavior for the child and then the child copies the behavior.

Picture Exchange Communication System (PECS)

PECS is a multiple phase approach which teaches the child to make requests and comments using visual icons.

Functional Communication Training (FCT

FCT is a systematic approach which focuses on replacing maladaptive behaviors with communication skills in order to get the same needs met in a more appropriate and socially acceptable way.

Naturalistic Intervention

Naturalistic Intervention uses the child’s interests to target specific skills and behaviors in the child’s typical surroundings, routines, and activities.

Child with Massage Tool

Treatment Methodologies

Synergy Behavior Consultants uses a variety of research based methods during treatment sessions. The specific methods used for each child is individualized based on the child’s specific areas of need. These methodologies include:

Differential Reinforcement

Differential Reinforcement refers to a variety of techniques in which various levels of reinforcement are provided based on the child’s behavior and responses to interventions. Differential reinforcement includes reinforcing appropriate alternative behaviors, incompatible behaviors, and/or the absence of specific target behaviors. Differential reinforcement also includes providing higher levels of reinforcement for novel and/or highly desired behaviors and lower levels of reinforcement for known or less desired behaviors.

Discrete Trial Teaching (DTT)

DTT is a methodology in which complex behaviors and concepts are broken down into smaller, more teachable parts and taught using a systematic approach. In DTT, the instructor presents an instruction (the Sd), the child emits an response, and the instructor provides a consequence based on the child’s response. If the child responded correctly to the instruction, the teacher provides a reinforcing consequence such as praise or access to a preferred activity. If the child responded incorrectly to the instruction, the teacher provides corrective feedback.


Extinction involves no longer reinforcing a behavior that has been previously reinforced. Extinction is typically used to reduce maladaptive and/or undesired behaviors. This is done by analyzing the behavior and environment to determine the function of the behavior. Extinction is most effective when paired with the reinforcement of appropriate, functionally equivalent behaviors.

Visual Supports

Visual supports include a variety of prompts and cues presented visually. Visual supports are typically used to assist the child in organizing the environment around them and to assist in knowing what the expectations are for a given task and/or what the child should expect in the future (either immediately or over an extended period of time. Visual Supports can include a variety of supports and cues including visual schedules, picture icons, and structure work systems.

Social Skills Training

Social Skills Training includes programming to address deficits in social interaction to teach children to interact appropriately with their peers. This includes modeling and prompting appropriate communication and play skills, and providing feedback on the child’s responses.

Task Analysis

Task Analysis consist of breaking a complex behavior into steps, or chains of behaviors. The child is then taught each step in the chain of behaviors using either forward chaining or backward chaining until the child is able to independently complete the complex behavior chain.

Response Interruption/Redirection

Response Interruption/Redirection is typically used to divert the child’s attention away from the stimulus that is believed to be causing the behavior. Response Interruption/Redirection is an effective intervention for stereotypical/repetitive behaviors and other behaviors that are not maintained by attention or escape.

Pivotal Response Training (PRT)

PRT utilizes the child’s interests and initiations to focus on four core (or pivotal) skills-motivation, responding to multiple cues, self-initiation, and self-management. These core skills are used to teach a variety of other skills such as communication, language, social skills, and play skills.


Prompting includes any assistance given to the child to help him or her emit a behavior. Prompting includes gesture, visual, model, verbal, and /or physical prompts that are used to teach a variety of skills.


Modeling is a means for teaching a child to engage in desired behaviors by demonstrating the desired behavior for the child and then the child copies the behavior.

Picture Exchange Communication System (PECS)

PECS is a multiple phase approach which teaches the child to make requests and comments using visual icons.

Functional Communication Training (FCT

FCT is a systematic approach which focuses on replacing maladaptive behaviors with communication skills in order to get the same needs met in a more appropriate and socially acceptable way.

Naturalistic Intervention

Naturalistic Intervention uses the child’s interests to target specific skills and behaviors in the child’s typical surroundings, routines, and activities.

Child with Massage Tool
